8 years experience in this field. Your goals - our achievements!

About Us

Discussing and achieving the client's needs. Researching the investor’s interest. Setting the optimal parameters of each project. Suggesting multi-variant solutions.


Dipl.Arch. Daniela M. Racheva
Daniela M. Racheva, principal of D-aRch-Studio, has held a licence to practice architecture in Bulgaria for over 8 years. She is a member of Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria. She is graduate of University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria...

Our Service

Architecture & Design

Elaboration of architectural and interior design projects for residential and public buildings, recreational facilities and industrial buildings, and family houses. Performing author’s supervision.

Urban Design

Working out projects for areas in accordance with the regulations concerning territory planning, detailed urban plans. Assessment of investment projects and construction supervision.

Process of work

Co-ordination the working process of all designers involved in the project – mechanical, structural and infrastructural. Preparation of specifications and priced bills of quantity.